10 anni di sapere Rotating Header Image

Un decennio di grazie!

Anche la voce di Jimmy Wales, il fondatore di Wikipedia, non si fa attendere per festeggiare i dieci anni del progetto e dare uno sguardo al futuro.
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Il post:

People throughout the world are gathering at more than 450 events in 120 countries to celebrate Wikipedia’s 10th birthday. I’m amazed and thrilled and humbled by the significant support Wikipedia has in every corner of the world. When I started Wikipedia a decade ago, I never imagined that everyday people in places like Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Bolivia, Ethiopia and Algeria would come together to celebrate Wikipedia in such an extraordinary way.

In ten years, Wikipedia has become so much to so many people. Millions of people came together because they believed that access to free information was important and needed. Thank you to everyone who has contributed. Thank you to the editors, donors and supporters. Thank you to those who believed in our mission and helped us along the way. It’s because of you that Wikipedia exists: thank you for believing in the power of ordinary people to come together to do something remarkable.

It’s my hope that more people are now inspired to join the movement and help us reach our mission: a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. I look forward to working with all of you over the next ten years to reach our goal.
Happy birthday, Wikipedia!


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